PORTLAND, ME - JULY 22: Bill Coppersmith of Windham holds a normal looking lobster next to a bright orange lobster that he caught while fishing in deepwater canyons in the Gulf of Maine with his steersman Brian Skillings Wednesday, July 22, 2015. Coppersmith said he has never seen an orange lobster like this in many years of fishing, though he did snag a white lobster in 1997. Coppersmith named him "Captain Eli" after his four-year old grandson. The lobster will be kept at the Fisherman's Catch in Raymond, run by Coppersmith's son, Billy Jr., for about a month before Coppersmith brings him back out to deep water and releases him back into the ocean. (Photo by Gabe Souza/Staff Photographer)

Prohíben hervir langostas vivas en Suiza; dicen que sienten el dolor



La legislación protege a las langostas y otros decápodos vivos, que tampoco podrán ser transportados en hielo ni en agua helada, sino únicamente en su entorno natural, lo que implicará el uso de especies de peceras.


Chocan taxi y vehículo particular

60 mil niños norcoreanos podrían morir de hambre tras sanciones internacionales